As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, one blessing for which I am grateful is
the relationships with my fellow Rotarians. I am pleased to spotlight one of our
newest members, Pastor Eric Meyer. I encourage everyone to get to know Eric
and to reach out to current and potential members to share the gift of Rotary
Brenda O’Gorman,
Membership Chair
Ministry is my third career, but it is my true vocation. My first career was in mass
market retail sales. For 19 years I managed product development teams, sales
teams, and personally managed the Target and Wal-Mart accounts. In 2008, I had
achieved all I could have asked for in the toy industry, and decided it was time to
shift the direction of my life. I formed a partnership with my Tae Kwon Do
instructor and taught martial arts as I ran that small business for the next four
years. It was during this time that I discovered I was in ministry. While teaching
martial arts, we were helping people transform their lives. I felt a strong calling to
help people transform their lives through developing their relationship with God
and began seminary studies in 2011. In 2014, I began my true vocation, serving
two small churches in Northwest Arkansas. In 2015, I became the associate pastor
at 1 st United Methodist church in Bentonville, Arkansas. I was responsible for
managing the program staff for a church that held 5 services each Sunday and
averaged over 600 in weekly attendance. During that time, I also became a Gallup
Certified Strengths Assessment coach. I use this skill extensively in my ministry,
having coached well over 120 people in the last 3 years.
In 2020, Brenda and I became empty nesters and were ready for a change. We
moved to Sioux City Iowa, and for a year, and last year I served three churches in
northeast Nebraska. In July, I was asked to lead Trinity United Methodist Church
in Salina. I enjoy running, long walks with Brenda and the dogs, hunting, fishing,
and I crave learning. I am currently working on my Doctor of Ministry degree.
Pastor Eric Meyer
Senior Pastor Trinity UMC Salina, KS
Gallup Certified Strength Coach
