One of our goals is to strengthen the capacity of Salina to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children. Our Rotary members invest in the future by giving scholarships to students who have the potential to change our community. Our 2020 Scholarship Chairs are Daran Neuschafer and Aaron Morrison. Thank you for your continued service.
“Rotary has a long-standing tradition of helping others. Scholarship is one way it does so. Letting an applicant know they will be receiving a Rotary scholarship is a very gratifying experience and makes me that much more proud to be a Rotarian.” - Aaron Morrison
“Salina Noon Rotary Club has always been a tremendous supporter of many things in the Salina community, but in my mind, none more than the way our Rotary club supports the education of our youth. From being an annual supporter of the Saline County Back to School Fair – which provides backpacks and school supplies to school children in need in Saline County – to providing many scholarships each year for college-bound seniors of our area high schools, our Rotary club lends a tremendous helping hand to our communities young people to say “we (Rotary) are with you and support- ing you in this important part of your journey”. I couldn’t be more proud to be a Rotarian” - Daran Neuschafer
